* Threatened or Endangered

Red Fox *

 : Vulpes vulpes

 : Mammal

 : Canada, Alaska, nearly all of the contiguous U.S., Europe, North Africa and much of Asia

 : [Hidden]

 : Weight 6 to 15 lbs.

 : Least Concern


• Common in nearly all of its range, this animal has a positive effect by preying on damaging rodents, but can also be a detriment to endangered or rare bird populations.

• This animal has the distinction of having the widest range of any carnivore.

• Comparatively, the stomach of the red fox is only about half the size of other canines. This makes them hunt more often or cache food to save for times when prey isn’t available.

• There is debate on whether or not this animal is native to North America. Some theorize that they were introduced from Great Britain in the 1700s and spread from east to west.

• They are quite agile and adaptable, and some have even been observed climbing trees.

Respect native wildlife by remembering that…it’s wild! When enjoying native land where wildlife lives, always be aware, be safe, and leave no trace. Never approach, taunt, or feed wildlife. Interacting with them can be dangerous to you and to them. Instead, enjoy their beauty and their ecosystem without disturbing them. To learn more, follow these links:
